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Quick English For IT Job Interviews: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Common Job Interview Question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Response A: 
One of the reasons I applied for this position was because this company has a reputation for offering opportunities for advancement. A company committed to the career growth of its employees brings out a sense of loyalty in me and my passion for the job. So, five years from now I would love to have the opportunity to become a resource for more teams than just my own, perhaps as a project manager.

Response B: 
My first priority is to do the best that I can in this role. If in the future, I have both the skill and the experience needed for advancement, then I would definitely be interested in the next level of responsibility. I’m really dedicated to my work as well as being a resource for other team members and departments.

Homework: Can you come up with two additional ways to respond to the interviewer’s question? 
